Two workers for Up Fund collaborate at outdoor table.

The UP Fund

Impact Investments, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Education


$50MInvested in Career Impact Bonds


Graduates across our Career Impact Bonds

The UP Fund is a $50 million pool of catalytic capital investing in 8-12 Career Impact Bonds to help unemployed and underemployed people secure good jobs in a changing economy. The Career Impact Bond is a holistic model for financing education and training that enables learners to access quality job training, receive supportive services, and land jobs in high-growth fields. The UP Fund offers a sustainable platform to scale Career Impact Bonds across the country.


  • Leverage recyclable impact capital: Deploy $50 million in catalytic capital to fund learners’ program costs. Learners only pay if they land and keep a job above a certain salary.
  • Expand access to in-demand sectors: Supports Career Impact Bonds that enable people to build careers in recession-resistant sectors like IT, health care, skilled trades, and clean energy.
  • Bridge opportunity and skill gaps: Help individuals upskill and achieve increased economic mobility while enabling businesses to fill critical job openings and diversify their workforce.

Participant Stories

Stephanie Reyes and her son taking a selfie.

Five Weeks of Intense Training—and a Better Life for Stephanie and Her Son

After working a series of unsatisfying jobs, Stephanie was ready to launch a career that would provide for her and her son. She decided to enroll in ADTC through the Career Impact Bond and landed a job with Sonsray Agriculture as an apprentice technician just three weeks into training. Since starting, she’s had two pay raises.

After Doubling His Income, Cam Looks Forward to the Future
Cam, an ADTC participant, smiles at the camera in his gray jumpsuit uniform.

After Doubling His Income, Cam Looks Forward to the Future

Cam was living in West Virginia when the pandemic started. His wife lost her corporate job, and his job as a chiropractic assistant wasn’t enough to pay the bills. After enrolling in the ADTC Career Impact Bond, he accepted a job with Kenworth Trucks, earning a starting salary of $42,000—more than double his previous income. “We’re looking towards settling down, buying a house, doing the American Dream stuff,” said Cam.

Dimitra SCL Headshot

For Dimitra, the Right Supports Meant a Chance to Thrive

Dimitra—a Portland, OR native and mom to a toddler—was working as a high school art teacher but was seeking more fulfillment from her career. She decided to enroll in Alchemy Code Lab through the Career Impact Bond. After graduating, Dimitra was hired as a Junior Software Developer at Cornell Pump Company with a starting salary of $65,000—$22,000 more than what she was making as an experienced teacher.

The Results

The UP Fund invests in a growing portfolio of Career Impact Bonds that enable people to build careers in high-demand, recession-resistant sectors.

2,100+People enrolled in our Career Impact Bonds

94%Graduation rate across our Career Impact Bonds

60%Percent of participants who identify as people of color

80%Percent of participants who hold less than a Bachelor's degree

$15K-$42KMedian change in annual earnings for participants

We’re proud to support the UP Fund to scale Career Impact Bonds across the U.S. Through this sustainable impact investing vehicle, the Fund aims to help catalyze economic mobility and close the nation’s skills gaps.

Eric Braverman

CEO, Schmidt Futures

Eric Braverman Headshot
We’re hoping many young people who currently can’t pay for college or aren’t able to access high-quality training programs will now have a very different idea of what’s possible for them—and that money will not be a barrier anymore.

Kelly Campbell

Managing Director, Portfolio Strategy and Management, Blue Meridian Partners

Kelly Campbell Headshot
Social Finance is bringing key partners to the table, from public sector leaders to major employers, to design better, faster, and more agile mechanisms to train the future workforce.

Sarah Keh

Vice President, Inclusive Solutions, Prudential Financial and Vice President and Secretary, The Prudential Foundation

Sarah Keh Headshot

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