

Video: Silver Linings Playbook: New Momentum for Outcomes-Driven Government
Michael Grossman headshot on a blue background

Video: Silver Linings Playbook: New Momentum for Outcomes-Driven Government

During this panel at the Milken Institute's 2022 Public Finance Forum, speakers discussed forward-thinking strategies to accelerate federal, state, local, and regional innovation, as well as replicable case studies of communities already shifting to outcome-driven…

Michael Grossman

Designing an Outcomes Rate Card Approach in Connecticut to Better Serve Families
A mother and father smile while holding their laughing baby in their arms.

Designing an Outcomes Rate Card Approach in Connecticut to Better Serve Families

Social Finance and OEC conducted an extensive review of their rate card implementation and determined that the model would be more impactful and easier to implement if it were more clearly aligned with OEC’s goals…

Social Finance and the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood

Creating System-Level Accountability through Outcomes Rate Cards in Connecticut
A female healthcare worker listening to the heart of an infant son with his young mother at home.

Creating System-Level Accountability through Outcomes Rate Cards in Connecticut

Social Finance is dedicated to continuously improving the structure of outcomes rate cards to maximize family-level impact, as seen in this four-year partnership with OEC. The outcomes rate card enables governments to pay providers varied…

Social Finance and the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood