

Supporting Veterans with PTSD: Enabling an Individualized Approach to Job Search and Placement
3 soldiers carrying large backpacks are silhouetted with a harbor in the background.

Supporting Veterans with PTSD: Enabling an Individualized Approach to Job Search and Placement

Veterans CARE embedded Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services at four VA medical centers in New York and Massachusetts. IPS prioritizes rapid job search for employment opportunities that match an individual’s needs, talents, and preferences,…

Storey Dyer Kloman

Alaska’s First Pay for Success Program Helps People Experiencing Homelessness Get—And Stay—Stably Housed, Resulting in First Outcome Payment
Anchorage Alaska

Alaska’s First Pay for Success Program Helps People Experiencing Homelessness Get—And Stay—Stably Housed, Resulting in First Outcome Payment

As a result of the measured impact the Home for Good program has had on individuals experiencing persistent homelessness in the community, the Municipality of Anchorage made its first outcome payment in July 2021.

Emily Bogan