Impact Investments, Children & Families, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Homelessness & Housing
For our team at Social Finance, 2022 has been a year of focus and execution. From California to Alaska to Florida, we expanded our portfolio of impact investments and advisory work.
This year, we significantly grew our efforts to improve health outcomes for children and families—for example, through our Pay for Success project with New Castle County, Delaware. We also advanced our economic mobility portfolio through initiatives like the New Jersey Pay It Forward Program and investments with training programs for diesel technicians, clinical research coordinators, and software engineers. Hear about the impact of this work firsthand from Paul, a recent graduate of our Alchemy Code Lab Career Impact Bond:
To those who know us well: We are deeply grateful to be on this journey with you. Thank you for your partnership. To those who are getting to know us: We look forward to connecting with you in the year to come.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season from the Social Finance team.
Tracy Palandjian
CEO and Co-Founder

The $100 Million Google Career Certificates Fund
We’re managing the investment program for the $100 million Google Career Certificates Fund. The program aims to empower more than 20,000 learners to realize over $1 billion in wage gains.

Boosting Childhood Health in Connecticut
We continue to support the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood as they work to improve child and family health through performance-based contracts—especially for home visiting.
2022 Highlights
- We launched the nation’s first Pay It Forward Funds: the New Jersey Pay It Forward Program and the United Way Miami Workforce Project. Collectively, these initiatives will help as many as 2,500 learners prepare for in-demand jobs that lead to economic mobility. We are currently working with several other states to create these funds, which sustainably support local workforce development needs.
- We highlighted new voices, from partner program graduates to board members to our supporters and partners.
- We launched a multiyear action plan to expand diversity, equity, and inclusion across our organization and in our work.
- We laid the groundwork for The Social Finance Institute, an action-oriented field building endeavor that will put impact-first tools in the hands of change makers.
Related Insight

On the Economy and Impact: An Evening with Lawrence H. Summers
Social Finance is embracing the opportunity to reimagine how we drive change by asking governments, educators, companies, investors, and funders to work together to deliver measurable outcomes.

Increasing Your Impact by Blurring the Lines between Investing and Philanthropy
Social Finance Board Member Laura Lauder and her husband, Gary, reflect on their innovative approach to integrating impact across a portfolio.

Investing in Skill Building: The Career Impact Bond
An FJC donor is putting philanthropic dollars to work by investing in economic mobility for low-income workers. The initiative is called the UP Fund, a $50 million pool of catalytic capital raised by Social Finance.