Uniformed military personnel walk with a small American flag

Veterans CARE

Public Sector Solutions, Workforce & Economic Mobility


300+Veterans with PTSD and/or military sexual trauma served by the program


Percent of participants who secured competitive, compatible employment

Veterans Coordinated Approach to Recovery and Employment (Veterans CARE) is an outcomes-based initiative that supports veterans in attaining competitive, compatible employment through the evidence-based Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model.


  • Support veterans in finding competitive employment: Support unemployed, underemployed, and vulnerably employed veterans with a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or military sexual trauma (MST) to gain meaningful employment that fits individuals’ workforce needs and preferences.
  • Expand access to services: Deliver high-quality IPS services to more veterans, including those outside the Greater Boston area.
  • Leverage outcomes-based funding models: Employ an outcomes-based funding approach to incentivize and orient program partners around the positive achievement of employment outcomes for veteran participants.

Participant Stories

George Robertson Veterans CARE

For George, Veterans CARE Felt Like Coming Home

After 17 years in the Army, George found the return to civilian life traumatic and struggled to find stable employment. Veterans CARE helped him turn things around. Reflecting on the support he received from his IPS specialists, George said, “They care about you, they want to see you succeed. They want you to achieve beyond the military … there’s a lot more we have to offer to society.”

Retail Warehouse full of Shelves with Goods in Cardboard Boxes,

Helping Veterans Reclaim Self-Worth Through Employment

After not being out of the house for nine years, one veteran participating in Veterans CARE “reclaimed his sense of worth and dedication to himself,” said his IPS service provider. “In the last month, he has gone to an interview, gained a position as a warehouse manager, and gotten his driver’s license.” Of the 360 veterans included in an evaluation of the program, nearly 60% obtained at least one competitive job. Their average earnings matched or exceeded those from a randomized control trial across 12 service sites.

How It Works

The Vets CARE Program has a proven track record of success in helping veterans secure meaningful, competitive employment opportunities. Through our collaboration with VA Boston, Social Finance, and TREAC, we’re dedicated to expanding this partnership statewide.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jon Santiago

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Current Partners and Supporters

Former Partners and Supporters

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