Public Sector Solutions, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Health, Results-Based Funding
Key Takeaway
Veterans CARE enrolled a high-priority population with a diverse set of backgrounds at risk of experiencing unemployment or underemployment. Out of the 282 total veterans included in the evaluation, 164 (58%) obtained at least one competitive job. In addition, average earnings across sites matched or exceeded earnings recorded in the most recent 12-site randomized control trial on the Individual Placement and Support model for veterans with PTSD.
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Launched in 2018, Veterans Coordinated Approach to Recovery and Employment (Veterans CARE) was the first Pay for Success project to explicitly focus on supporting veterans. Despite challenges related to Covid-19, the project saw sustained, strong veteran employment outcomes. Beginning in October 2021, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts funded a 15-month extension of Veterans CARE. The extension will enable Veterans CARE to scale its impact, extend Individual Placement and Support service delivery, and benefit more veterans. Download the project summary to explore the achievements and key learnings of this project.
After not being out of the house for nine years, this veteran has reclaimed his sense of worth and dedication to himself. In the last month, he has gone to an interview, gained a position as a warehouse manager, traveled from Brooklyn to New Jersey, gotten his driver’s license, and started a full-time job.IPS Specialist
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