We work across sectors to design, build, and manage outcomes-basedworkforce training and education pathways. Our partnerships and investments are designed to more sustainably finance upskilling,address key labor market needs, and promote meaningful job placement and economic mobility for people facing barriers to education and employment.
Nursing Simulation Lab at Hudson County Community Colleg on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022 in Jersey City, N.J. (Charles Sykes/AP Images for Johnson & Johnson)
New Jersey Pay It Forward Program
Average starting salary for the program's nursing graduates
Dreamers Graduate Loan Program
Graduate loans for Dreamers with DACA or TPS status financed by the program to date
Google Career Certificates Fund
$1 billion
Targeted wage gains for 20,000+ learners
Thanks to Social Finance, thousands of Dreamer college graduates will have a chance to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, and much more.
Donald Graham
Chairman of the Board, Graham Holdings Company
We’re hoping many young people who currently can’t pay for college or aren’t able to access high-quality training programs will now have a very different idea of what’s possible for them—and that money will not be a barrier anymore.
Kelly Campbell
Managing Director, Portfolio Strategy and Management, Blue Meridian Partners
Social Finance is measuring and scaling what works. We need to move toward evidence-based funding, and they’re supporting programs that show it can be done.
Jim Shelton
Chief Investment Officer, Blue Meridian Partners
Training with The Master’s Apprentice took up almost all my time Monday through Friday. The loan helped with my finances, so I was able to focus on learning. I don’t know where I would be without it.