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Realigning Markets for Good: How Innovative Finance Can Advance Pathways to Economic Opportunity

Tracy Palandjian

Impact Investments, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Education

Tracy Palandjian, CEO and Co-Founder of Social Finance, was invited to give the 2021 Distinguished Management Lecture at Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management. In her speech, Tracy shared how she and the Social Finance team partner with leaders in the public, private, and social sectors to use funding and data in innovative ways to create lasting impact. Listen to Tracy’s speech below.

How do we transform what, today, seems to be the American myth of upward mobility more into a reality? ​​At Social Finance, we believe realigning some of our key systems around people and their individual success could be part of the answer.

Tracy Palandjian

CEO and Co-Founder, Social Finance

Tracy Palandjian Headshot Square

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