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Investing in Positive Social Outcomes with Social and Career Impact Bonds: Tracy Palandjian

Lynn Thoman

Impact Investments, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Career Impact Bonds

In this podcast episode from 3 Takeaways, Social Finance CEO Tracy Palandjian talks about impact investing, Pay for Success tools, and expanding access to quality, industry-recognized career training for people who face barriers to education and employment through the Career Impact Bond.

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Impact-first investment shouldn't just mean, as some people fear, bad investing—that you don't care about returns. What we really want people to focus on is, how do you make sure that the returns that matter most are measured in lives changed, not simply in financial gain. We shouldn't compromise social impact for financial return as we enter this brave new world of impact investing.Tracy Palandjian

Header image courtesy of 3 Take Aways podcast.

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