Navjeet K. Bal

Navjeet K. Bal Headshot

(She, her, hers)

General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer


  • Operations
  • Impact Investing
  • Public Sector

Workforce & Economic Mobility, Education, Health

Navjeet K. Bal is General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Social Finance. She is responsible for oversight of the Legal team’s provision of legal advice and representation on a wide-range of corporate, impact investing and impact advisory matters. On the corporate front, the Legal team takes the lead or provides advice on regulatory compliance, data security and privacy, personnel matters, and litigation management. The Legal team works with the impact investing teams on fund formation, due diligence, deal structuring and active performance management. In addition, the Legal team represents the impact advisory teams on pay-for-success contracting, social impact bonds and state law matters, including RFP reviews and procurement rules. As Chief Compliance Officer, she is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with Social Finance’s obligations as a registered investment adviser. Navjeet is also a member of the firm’s senior team, with shared overall responsibility for management of the organization.

Navjeet brings both a private and public sector background to her role at Social Finance. She was a public finance attorney in Boston for over 20 years, representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and many other quasi-public authorities responsible for funding critical infrastructure needs in New England. She was responsible for many innovative financing structures, including serving as bond counsel in 2013 to Massachusetts when it issued the first Green Bonds in the municipal market. She also represented the Commonwealth in negotiating and documenting its ground-breaking Pay for Success contracts addressing juvenile justice and chronic homelessness.

Navjeet served as the Massachusetts Commissioner of Revenue in Governor Deval Patrick’s administration from 2008 through 2011, where she was responsible for a 2,000 person agency with three lines of business: Tax Administration, Child Support Enforcement and the Division of Local Services.

Navjeet has held many leadership positions in legal, community and professional organizations. She currently serves on the boards of the Boston Public Library, the Williams College Gaudino Fund and InnerCity Weightlifting, among other organizations. She has previously served on the Boston Bar Association Council, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Access to Justice Commission and the board of the Boston Public Market. Navjeet graduated with a degree in philosophy from Williams College and from Northeastern University School of Law.

It is a privilege to work at Social Finance where we seek to create innovative financing and legal structures to advance social impact.
