

Q&A: New Social Finance VPs Jackie Khor and Andrew Chen
Jackie and Andrew headshots side by side.

Q&A: New Social Finance VPs Jackie Khor and Andrew Chen

Jackie Khor and Andrew Chen joined Social Finance in January 2020 to lead essential social investment work, most notably, the continued development and expansion of the Career Impact Bond (CIB) strategy. We talked with them about how they came to…

Andrew Chen, Jackie Khor, and Social Finance

Scaling Nurse Training with the Career Impact Bond
Smiling Nurse

Scaling Nurse Training with the Career Impact Bond

We need to scale training for nurses to address our country’s long-term healthcare needs. Piloting innovative strategies to make nursing education more affordable and accessible will enable us to reach that goal. Increasing access to…

Hydie Kim Hudson and Harrison Siegel

What Policies Can Help Prevent Evictions in the Wake of Covid-19?
hands Unpacking a moving box

What Policies Can Help Prevent Evictions in the Wake of Covid-19?

Government officials across the country are thinking about how to maintain housing for residents in the face of widespread unemployment caused by the pandemic. Social Finance and MHSOAC analyzed publicly available data and spoke with…

Sean Burpoe and Narni Summerall

The Needle and the Dangers of Early Pay for Success Project Evaluation
Two people shaking bands

The Needle and the Dangers of Early Pay for Success Project Evaluation

PFS project stakeholders crave to measure their impact as quickly as possible. The temptation to peek under the hood mid-project can be overwhelming. However, looking at the preliminary evaluation results of an intervention and using…

Ryan Gilette