Impact Investments, Education, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Multimedia

Key Takeaway

On June 13, 2024, we hosted a webinar to discuss the next chapter of the Dreamers Graduate Loan Program. Designed for potential funding partners and investors, the webinar provided an overview of the program, explored impact outcomes to date, and outlined ways to get involved.


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The Dreamers Graduate Loan Program is a first-of-its-kind impact investment fund designed to support talented students with DACA or TPS status who want to pursue professional degrees but cannot access public loans. By expanding opportunities for Dreamers, the Program aims to diversify the skilled professions and jumpstart economic mobility.

In June 2024, we hosted a webinar for potential funding partners and investors interested in learning more about the program. Watch a recording of the webinar below, or download the webinar slides for more information.

To learn more about the Program, contact Ayush Mansingh

To discuss ways to get involved, contact Jess Brooks

Are you a student interested in receiving a loan? Head to our student information page for eligibility details and the link to apply. 


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