Workforce Realigned Podcast, Episode 2: Reshaping Capitalism Around Impact
Sir Ronald Cohen and Gayatri Agnew
From the Social Finance Institute
The Social Finance Institute, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Workforce Realigned
Key Takeaway
“[Capitalism] has served humanity wonderfully well for 250 years or more, but its consequences today are so great on the environment and on social issues that even governments can’t cope with them. And so we have reached a juncture in the development of humanity and the development of society and the development of capitalism, where we can’t just rely on the invisible hand of the market. We have to bring impact as the invisible heart of the market to guide the invisible hand.” —Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment
In this Workforce Realigned podcast episode, Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment, and Gayatri Agnew, Former Senior Director of Opportunity at, discuss redefining the role of a corporation in society, measuring the social impact of companies, and shifting the way we engage people in the labor market.
Listen to the Episode
There are things we do as a society that are the right thing to do but cost a lot of money. It doesn't all have to become a market-based solution, but talent development has a direct market value. How do we move to a system where part of the value and the impact are the wages that individuals are able to earn as a result of the skills they have?
Gayatri Agnew
Former Senior Director of Opportunity,
The Workforce Realigned podcast offers innovative ideas about how to reboot economic mobility in America. It is part of a larger book, event, and action group series called Workforce Realigned, presented by Social Finance and the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and Philadelphia.
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