Impact Investments

Our Approach

A technician in a hard hat and safety vest inspects a solar panel closely.

As a society, we face problems too large and complex to address with grant capital alone. Impact investments complement philanthropy and government spending to scale promising solutions for change.  

Social Finance develops and manages innovative, impact-first investment products that generate positive outcomes for people and communities. Since our founding in 2011, we have mobilized more than $400 million designed to improve lives through investments in workforce and economic mobility, health, and housing. 

Our Services

As a registered investment advisor, we design, launch, and manage impact-first investments—investments designed to generate positive outcomes for people and communities. 

We partner with individuals, family offices, and foundations to amplify their impact by directing more capital to toward positive social and environmental outcomes. We offer:

  • Asset Management: We build unique products like the Impact First Fund, the investment program funded by the Google Career Certificates Fund, the UP Fund, the Dreamers Graduate Loan Fund, and place-based Pay It Forward Funds. 
  • Impact Investment Advisory Services: We provide advice to investors on how to build impact investing portfolios.

Featured Work

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Students walking across a college campus.

Dreamers Graduate Loan Program


Target fund size to help Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) college scholarship recipients pay for graduate school

Social Finance is measuring and scaling what works. We need to move toward evidence-based funding, and they’re supporting programs that show it can be done.

Jim Shelton

Chief Investment Officer, Blue Meridian Partners

Jim Shelton Headshot
Social Finance creates innovative investments and partnerships that bring together the private sector, government and civil society to drive positive impact. We’re proud to support their work to build a more inclusive, equitable capitalism.

Chris Jurgens

Senior Director, Reimagining Capitalism, Omidyar Network

Chris Jurgens headshot
Thanks to Social Finance, thousands of Dreamer college graduates will have a chance to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, and much more.

Donald Graham

Chairman of the Board, Graham Holdings Company

Donald Graham Headshot
Partnering with Social Finance has allowed us to expand the tools we can offer our donors to help them amplify their impact, achieve their philanthropic goals, and contribute to equitable recovery efforts.

Nicole Taylor

President and CEO, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Nicole Taylor Headshot