
Addressing Homelessness in Clackamas County, Oregon
Public Sector Solutions, Homelessness & Housing
10-yearFunding source for supportive housing services in Clackamas County
Social Finance is partnering with the Clackamas County, Oregon Housing and Community Development Division and Margaret Van Vliet of Trillium Advisors to optimize a new, 10-year funding source for supportive housing services and develop a comprehensive approach to ending family homelessness in Clackamas County.
- Understand barriers impacting family homelessness in Clackamas County
- Better align available funding and resources to county goals
- Adapt performance management system to track progress toward county goals
The Work
Social Finance is supporting Clackamas County to develop and implement a series of recommendations with a goal of ending family homelessness. This work includes:
- Comprehensive system recommendations: Building on an extensive system assessment of the housing challenges facing families, a comprehensive analysis of homeless services data, and engagement with a broad range of community stakeholders, the Social Finance team developed a series of recommendations to address family homelessness in Clackamas County.
- Dashboard development: Developing tangible tools stakeholders can use to understand progress and performance on homelessness, including:
- A system dashboard that uses Homelessness Management Information System and County contract data to identify demand, utilization, and capacity at a given time.
- A performance management dashboard to understand homeless services performance against key metrics.
- Community engagement: Partnering closely with service providers, County staff and leadership, individuals with lived experience, and other system partners, to shape project recommendations and implementation.
- Continuous improvement: Establishing continuous improvement processes to identify challenges and adapt implementation with the ultimate goal of building adaptable structures and approaches that can be sustained beyond the initiative.
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