We work to measurably improve lives at the individual, community, and systems levels. Since 2011, we have mobilized more than $400 million to help people and communities. Learn more about our impact in our 2023 Year in Review.
We work with leaders across the country to create partnerships and investments that change lives.
Select an issue area to learn more.
In New Castle County, Delaware, we are expanding access to high-quality prenatal and postnatal health care to 120 first-time, Medicaid-eligible mothers.
The Massachusetts Climate Careers Fund is designed to fill workforce gaps and to increase access to economic mobility for workers.
The New Jersey Pay It Forward Program and Colorado Pay It Forward Fund include program tracks in skilled trades that prepare workers for clean energy jobs.
Colorado, New Jersey
With support from the Google Career Certificates Fund, Social Finance is managing an innovative investment program aiming to empower more than 20,000 learners to realize over $1 billion in wage gains.
We design Pay it Forward Funds across the country to more sustainably finance education and training, fill workforce gaps, and to bolster local economic development agendas.
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas
Through our Impact Investing Advisory Services, we work with foundations and donor-advised funds across the country to leverage philanthropic capital as impact investments.
California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, Washington
We are partnering with the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) on an ambitious $100M outcomes-based funding initiative to improve population-level health with hundreds of new cross-sector partners.
In partnership with Western Governors University, we developed the ReNEW Fund to finance nursing education funding gaps and address critical talent shortages across the country.
Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
In Anchorage, Alaska, we’re helping 150 residents experiencing persistent homelessness access permanent housing and supportive services.
The Impact First Fund’s first investment, Blackstar, preserves single-family home ownership and wealth building in low- and moderate-income communities.
In Ventura County, California, we developed an outcomes-based project to provide supportive housing for people with a criminal history.
Our Impact
Our Offices
Austin, TX
Boston, MA
New York City, NY
San Francisco, CA
Washington, D.C.
Our Impact
Our Offices
Austin, TX
Boston, MA
New York City, NY
San Francisco, CA
Washington, D.C.
Impact Spotlight: Workforce & Economic Mobility
Through our work, we’re helping more than 30,000 Americans train for good jobs.
Blending public and private capital, our workforce and economic mobility portfolio expands job training, student-friendly financing, and supportive services for people facing barriers to education and employment. We're pioneering impact-first investments to upskill more than 30,000 Americans for in-demand jobs with advancement potential.
American Diesel Training Centers Career Impact Bond
median increase in income
of graduates whose tuition is covered by employers in the second investment
As a result of this training, I now have a steady job that will lead to bigger things. I’m so proud, because it’s not just a job—it’s a career that I can use to look after myself and my son.
Stephanie American Diesel Career Impact Bond graduate
We have worked with more than 600 organizations that seek accountable systems change. Together, we aim to reorient social and economic systems to support data-driven, outcomes-based practices.
We are proud to work with Social Finance, the recipient of our largest economic opportunity investment to date. They have met the challenge head-on, designing a first-of-its-kind loan fund to provide workforce training and support.
Hector Mujica Head of Economic Opportunity, Americas, Google.org
Pay It Forward, developed in collaboration with Social Finance, will make New Jersey stronger and fairer by providing access to job training for residents who need it most. Creating equitable opportunities is what we stand for.
Governor Phil Murphy State of New Jersey
American inequality is significantly a function of the way our economy is organized. By developing innovative financial tools, Social Finance is helping to shape the field of impact investing—and reshape our economy along with it.
Darren Walker President, Ford Foundation, at Workforce Realigned national launch event
New, sophisticated cross-sector partnerships are emerging that expand access to training and opportunity. Through this work, Social Finance helps business leaders adapt to a fast-changing economy and uncover better ways to invest in talent.
Lata Reddy Senior Vice President of Inclusive Solutions, Prudential Financial; Chair, The Prudential Foundation
Social Finance’s teams collaborate with agency staff in a way that encourages thinking, innovation, and implementation. Their innovative ideas from their research and work with other places have helped CT get projects over the finish line.
Beth Bye Commissioner, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
We’re proud to support the UP Fund to scale Career Impact Bonds across the United States. Through this sustainable impact investing vehicle, the Fund aims to help catalyze economic mobility and close the nation’s skills gaps.
Eric Braverman CEO, Schmidt Futures
Social Finance helped us operationalize tools to understand outcomes of our nine programs that serve 60,000 children and youth. From design to implementation, they provided technical assistance that has been professional and specialized.
Sarah Abrahams Deputy Associate Commissioner, Prevention and Early Intervention, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
By helping individuals who have faced financial barriers achieve economic self-sufficiency, Social Finance is addressing a root cause of health inequity. This benefits health workers, patients, health institutions, and communities.
Dr. Lauren A. Smith Chief Health Equity and Strategy Officer, CDC Foundation