outcome rate cards charts


Outcomes Rate Cards: A Path to Paying for Success at Scale

Lara Metcalf and Andrew Levitt

Results-Based Funding

Outcomes Rate Cards provide an innovative approach to scaling performance-based projects. This chapter from Investing in Results details rate card development, procurement, and project design and how the combination of these factors play a role in driving improved social outcomes for underserved populations.

Read the book chapter →

In a time of rising need and shrinking resources, we need to embrace innovation and give governments multiple tools with which to tackle social challenges. Outcomes rate cards provide one promising solution to drive improved social outcomes for people in need worldwide.

Related Insight

Innovations in Pay for Success: Outcomes Rate Cards
Image of outcomes rate cards charts

Innovations in Pay for Success: Outcomes Rate Cards

This blog on Living Cities details how Outcomes Rate Cards are developed and used to achieve high-quality outcomes.

Annie Dear, Casey A. Littlefield