Workforce Realigned Podcast, Episode 3: Paying for Outcomes
Paul Ryan and Deval Patrick
From the Social Finance Institute
The Social Finance Institute, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Workforce Realigned
Key Takeaway
“I don’t know if Deval Patrick and I agree on many other things—frankly, I don’t know—but on things like this, I think the right and the left can totally come together and just get focused on outcomes. ” —Paul Ryan, Former Speaker of the House
In this podcast episode, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick discuss outcomes-based funding approaches, the Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act (SIPPRA), and building public-private partnerships to lift people out of poverty.
Listen to the Episode
One thing we do historically well in America is innovate. One thing we do historically poorly is transition—we get on to the new thing and we consider the consequences later, if at all. In an economy where innovation is disrupting the workplace, we need to be prepared; our people need to be prepared to help drive that innovation.
Deval Patrick
Former Governor Deval Patrick, Professor of Practice and Co-Director, Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School
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