A nurse in blue scrubs smiles while adjusting equipment next to a hospital bed in a clinical setting.


Case Study: The New Jersey Pay It Forward Program

Workforce & Education Investments, Workforce & Economic Mobility, Financing Tuition & Living Expenses, Case Studies


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The New Jersey Pay It Forward Program, launched in 2021 with the State of New Jersey and the New Jersey CEO Council, is the nation’s first Pay It Forward program designed expand access to quality job training and economic mobility. The program provides no-interest, no-fee loans to residents looking to enroll in education and training programs with the goal of getting in-demand jobs in health care, IT, and clean energy.

This case study provides details on the development of the program, insights, and early outcomes.

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New Jersey Pay It Forward Program Launch Event
Tracy and Governor Phil Murphy of NJ

New Jersey Pay It Forward Program Launch Event

Hudson County Community College hosted a launch event for the New Jersey Pay It Forward Program, a joint initiative of Governor Phil Murphy, the State of New Jersey, New Jersey CEO Council, and Social Finance.

New Jersey Office of the Governor and Social Finance