Our Values

Two female Social Finance employees work at a table

At Social Finance we are driven by the belief that social and economic systems should enable all people to thrive.  

We believe that a deep and enduring commitment to our values of people, performance, integrity, collaboration, and inclusion is critical to realizing a richer, more just world. Our values not only guide our team, workplace culture and operations, but also how we engage with and impact our broader community. As we act on our commitments, we welcome all views and beliefs that lead people to work with us in good faith to create pathways to positive outcomes for all people. 

Our Values

Three Social Finance employees sitting at a table in a conference room smile for the camera


People are at the center of all that we do; we are committed to the individuals we serve, our team, and our partners.


We are guided by a results-driven ethos; our work demands rigorous thought, inquiry, and analysis.


The highest standards of integrity and accountability underpin our work.


We build strong, enduring relationships across sectors to align diverse interests and advance our collective mission.


We believe everyone should be heard, respected, supported, and valued.

How We Live Our Values

People are our most valuable resource. As an organization, we bring together diverse individuals with varied backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives to collectively brighten our ideas, deepen our insights, and amplify our impact. By creating an inclusive, supportive environment where team members can share different approaches openly, grow continuously, and lead with their strengths, we can advance our mission and values together.  

For our work in communities, we must design and implement partnerships and investments that advance access to opportunity and improve outcomes, understanding that our greatest impact is achieved when we integrate expertise and feedback from the communities we serve. We must remain cognizant of how Social Finance navigates in the world as a national nonprofit and registered investment advisor to make certain we are leveraging our talent, tools, and resources in a way that is consistent with our mission and values.  

As we think about our journey as an organization, we acknowledge that we have not, and will not, always get it right. Our learning is continuous, and we fully embrace our commitment to working with humility, open and reflective minds, kind hearts, steadfast dedication, and the courage to fail. 

At a fundamental level, we recognize the common humanity and value in all people and accordingly work to improve outcomes to ensure all individuals have the opportunity to thrive.  

Photo of Martha, a participant in the Home for Good Anchorage Pay for Success Project.

Recognizing the value of community voice

Participant engagement enables us to develop solutions that are better tailored to the challenges we aim to address, leading to partnerships and investments that deliver real impact for people and communities. We recognize that participants’ reflections and insights come from their lived expertise, which merits fair compensation.